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Scripts and Tips

Below you will find a sample script, along with some suggestions for how to make calling your representative easier. Talking on the phone can be a challenge for many people, and the goal is for calling your representative to be as easy as possible.

Sample Script

"Hello, my name is NAME. I'm a constituent from STATE, zip code ZIP CODE. I don't need a response. I am IN SUPPORT OF / OPPOSED to the ACT OR PETITION OR BILL NAME. I strongly encourage the senator to please vote ‘YES’/ ’NO’ on this bill. Thank you!"

Bills, and Petitions, and Acts, Oh My!


Here are a few tips to make calling your representative a non-stressful experience:


  • Have the script near you with exactly what you want to say written out, even down to your name. You don't have to say anything else, and there is no shame in writing out what you want to say!

  • Doodling while you are speaking can help release stress.

  • Remind yourself that the person you are talking to is a person too. It's just another human being.

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